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For Immediate Release: Media Contact: Eva Dilmanian
July 8, 2021 718.599.2591
[email protected]


Chef Recipes for Grilling PA Veggies This Summer

Celebrate PA Produce Month This August

Harrisburg, PA – PA Produce Month, when most of Pennsylvania’s vegetable crops are at the peak of their season, starts on August 1 and the Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing and Research Program (PA Veggies) is aiming to educate consumers on ways to enjoy the abundant harvest. For Pennsylvanians spending their summer weekends by the grill, the PA Veggies blog offers an array of creative vegetable grilling ideas.

Chef Kristin Butterworth offers a Grilled Sweet Potatoes with Jalapeño Honey recipe; Chef Tim Smith contributes a Grilled Summer Squash with Jalapeño Chimichurri; Chef Richard Landau shares his Heirloom Tomatoes with Grilled Shiitakes and Green Goddess; and Chef Josh Fidler shakes up grilling season with his Mexican Grilled Corn.

“There are lots of vegetables that people don’t ordinarily think of grilling, but actually turn out delicious on the barbecue,” said PA Veggies Executive Secretary William Troxell. “This time of year, Pennsylvania’s farmer’s markets are full of great options and the recipes on the PA Veggies website make it easy for any grill master who’s willing to experiment.”

The PA Veggies website provides tips, recipes, guides and resources for finding, buying, preparing and enjoying fresh Pennsylvania produce at http://www.paveggies.org/.

About the Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing and Research Program

The Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing and Research Program is a statewide marketing order established by a grower referendum, governed by a grower board and funded by grower assessments. The Program’s sole purpose is to serve the vegetable growers of Pennsylvania by promoting Pennsylvania-grown vegetables and funding practical vegetable production research. Follow PA Veggies on Facebook or Instagram at @PAVeggies, and use #PAVeggies to find and share homegrown PA happiness experiences.

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