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Jennifer Brodsky


[email protected]

5 On-Farm Videos Offer an Inside Look at Pennsylvania Farms

Find your favorite farmer, meet a new farmer, and learn what it takes to bring local food to your table

Harrisburg, PA – There are many working parts to the local food system from start to finish. The amount of steps and people involved from seed to table is quite astonishing. No matter how far the chain stretches, be it to canned tomatoes in your local supermarket or a carrot bought directly from the farmer and enjoy raw before returning home from a local stand or market, there is one very important piece to the puzzle – the farmer.

To celebrate PA Produce Month and pay tribute to the hard-working catalysts of the local food system, PA Veggies is sharing 5 videos that take viewers to Pennsylvania farms, face to face with the farmers, as they share their knowledge and experiences. The videos cover a diverse area geographically and thematically, exploring everything from the life cycle of tomatoes and sweet corn, to high tunnels, community supported agriculture (CSA), and farm stand logistics.  The lineup includes:

Seed to Table: Tomatoes with Kaitlin Horst, Cedar Meadow Farm

Pennsylvania is a goldmine of beautiful, delicious, juicy tomatoes of all varieties, especially through August / PA Produce Month. But how does that wholesome tomato end up in the store or at the market and then on your table? There are many steps involved and actions taken daily to assure safe and quality delivery. Take a look!

The Ins and Outs of High Tunnels with Peter Flynn, Pete’s Produce Farm

The average consumer may observe covered structures on a Pennsylvania farm and conclude that it’s a greenhouse but, the truth is, a majority of them are high tunnels. These mistaken structures have a huge impact on Pennsylvania’s local food system and are a key factor in making farm fresh veggies more accessible for you. Take a moment and find out how it all works.

How a Pennsylvania Farm Stand Works with Art King, Harvest Valley Farms

When it comes to local Pennsylvania produce, it doesn’t get much better than a farm stand. These operations are run in conjunction with a local farm, allowing vegetables to reach the consumer directly in a short amount of time. They offer incredible quality, nutrients and flavor! But what happens behind the scenes to make this all happen? And what’s the future look like for farm stands? Your farmer has the answers.

Behind the Scenes on CSA Day with Dave Miller, Miller Plant Farm

The consumer’s’ role in a community supported agriculture program (CSA) involves just a few steps – sign up, arrive at a particular location at a particular time, leave with fresh vegetables directly from the farmer. However, there is a lot that happens behind the scenes to make that service possible. If you’re going to take a glimpse into that world, why not do it from the perspective of a farmer managing a multi-faceted operation and a 500 person CSA?  

Seed to Table: Sweet Corn with Brian Campbell, Brian Campbell Farms

No Pennsylvania summer is complete without fresh, juicy sweet corn. When the timing is right, you’ll find it everywhere, from roadside stands to supermarkets, which is why it seemed best to get the sweet corn 411 from a Pennsylvania farmer who produces for both outlets, and has been in the farming business since the young age of 14. We love sweet corn, but how often do we think about the seed to table process? The insider facts may surprise you!

As PA Produce Month comes to an end, let these videos serve as an inspiration to meet the farmers behind your food. Local vegetables are available in Pennsylvania well through August. In fact, fall brings new flavors to the table and many autumn vegetables are suitable for preserving, canning, soup-making, storage, and more. It’s the perfect time to connect with your local vegetable providers to glean recipes, tips, and suggestions and, whenever you’re unable to connect directly with your farmer, remember to visit PAVeggies.org and join the #paveggies conversation on social media. Happy PA Produce Month!

The Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing and Research Program is a statewide marketing order established by a grower referendum, governed by a grower board and funded by grower assessments. The Program’s sole purpose is to serve the vegetable growers of Pennsylvania by promoting Pennsylvania-grown vegetables and funding practical vegetable production research. Consider liking PA Veggies on Facebook (PAVeggies), following along on Instagram (@PAVeggies); and using #PAVeggies to find and share your homegrown PA happiness experiences. EDITORS: If you have any questions, please contact us at 267.275.1198 [email protected].

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