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State-wide contest open to all Pennsylvania residents. Entry deadline June 30.

The Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing and Research Program is sponsoring the eighth annual Pennsylvania “Simply Delicious, Simple Nutritious” Vegetable Recipe Contest this summer. Pennsylvania residents are eligible to enter one or more of their best vegetable recipes using Pennsylvania vegetables to compete for $100 prizes in four different categories at a state-wide cook-off.

The cook-off is scheduled for August 5, 2011, the first week of Pennsylvania Produce Month, at Harrisburg Area Community College.

A panel of four judges will review the written recipe entries and select sixteen finalist recipes to be prepared at the cook-off. Four finalist recipes will be chosen in each of the following four categories:

Snap Beans/Lima Beans/Peas


Sweet Corn


(Please note:  some earlier versions of the contest announcement listed incorrect categories – the above categories are the correct ones.)

Recipe entries must contain at least one of the vegetables in the category title as a major ingredient.  While contestants may enter as many recipes in as many categories as they desire, a contestant is limited to having one recipe chosen as a finalist recipe per category and to having a recipe chosen as a finalist recipe in two categories.


Recipes will be chosen on the basis of creativity, nutrition/healthfulness, ease of preparation, and overall appeal. A $100 prize will be awarded to the winner in each category. Other finalists will each receive a $25 gift certificate for the farm market of their choice.

Recipes must be created or modified by the contestant or a member of the contestant’s family. Recipes previously published in a copyrighted publication will not be eligible.

Entries must be entered by June 30, 2011, by one of three methods:

emailed to: [email protected]  (preferred method)

faxed to: 717-694-3596

mailed to:

Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing and Research Program

815 Middle Road

Richfield, PA 17086-9205

Hardcopy entries must have the recipe printed (by hand or otherwise) on a sheet of 8 1/2” x 11” plain white paper. The contestant’s name, mailing address, and telephone number, plus email address or facsimile number if available,should be printed on the back side of the paper or after the recipe for digital entries. Hardcopy or email entries should have the recipe presented in upper and lower case letters in the following manner:


Name of dish

Number of servings

Ingredients list – List in order using the following abbreviations: T. for tablespoon; tsp. for teaspoon;  c. for cup; oz. for ounce; and lb. for pound. Give the quantity, the name of the ingredient and then any descriptive terms.

Example: 2 c. Bell Peppers – red and green, finely diced

Instructions – List in order in complete sentence form.

Entry of a recipe in the contest will authorize the use of the recipe, with credit given to the contestant, by the Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing and Research Program in the Program’s press releases, recipe cards, brochures or other published materials. The Program reserves the right to copyright such publications.


For further information about the contest, visit the Program’s website atwww.paveggies.local or contact the Program at 717-694-3596 or[email protected]

Media coverage of the state-wide cook-off in August is welcome.

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