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William Troxell
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Celebrate PA Produce Month: 4 Reasons the Veggie Lifestyle is For Everyone

Find out why adding more vegetables is smart and delicious with these simple reasons from PAVeggies.org

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Aug. 28, 2017: It’s Pennsylvania Produce Month, the right time to move from “supposed” to eat veggies to giving them a try.

Skeptics will find high-quality, locally grown produce is abundant this month because August is the best time to find a fresh variety at a local purveyor or farm. The next step: Taking the leap and trying new vegetables. It’s fun, rewarding for the palate and a plus for health. Learn more from these tips from the Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing and Research Program.

1. Good for You

Health is important, so start with the obvious reason: Eating more veggies has been clinically proven to reduce the risk for cancer, heart disease and digestive disorders. Vegetables provide crucial nutrients, vitamin complexes, antioxidants and fiber. Select a rainbow of colors and try them raw and cooked to incorporate them into your daily meals and snacks.

2. Good for the Planet

Pennsylvania’s conscientious farmers impact the environment in many positive ways such as reducing soil erosion, cutting the impact of agricultural runoff to the local watershed, and creating habitat for beneficial insects, pollinators and other wildlife. Locally produced produce requires less transportation so it leaves a smaller carbon footprint going from farm to the consumer. Putting more vegetables on the dinner table and in lunch boxes supports those farms and increases those benefits.

3. Authentic Farm to Table

Restaurants are touting this type of eating, but it’s just as easy to enjoy fresh, local veggies at home. Neighborhood farms are churning out produce right now, making August the perfect time to eat and preserve plenty of vegetables.

4. Set the Example

It’s not only kids who need to eat more veggies. Adults may lead by example by experimenting with different vegetables, trying new recipes and sharing that experience with kids. Find a new favorite by filling your cart with spaghetti squash, kale (all kinds!), golden summer crookneck squash, Brussels sprouts, hot peppers, turnips, Swiss chard … the list is endless. Going vegetarian one or meals a week is a simple way to try new foods and to involve the whole family in preparation.

Want more? Check PAVeggies.org, and Like PA Veggies on Facebook (PAVeggies) and follow PAProduce on Twitter (@PAVeggies). Use #PAVeggies and stay up to date during Pennsylvania Produce Month.

The Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing and Research Program is a statewide marketing order established by a grower referendum, governed by a grower board and funded by grower assessments. The Program’s sole purpose is to serve the vegetable growers of Pennsylvania by promoting Pennsylvania-grown vegetables and funding practical vegetable production research.

EDITORS: If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Brodsky at [email protected] or 267-275-1198. An electronic version of this release is available upon request.

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