
We created some tools in an effort to expand your marketing efforts while using as little of your time as possible. We know you don’t have too much to spare. Follow our guides and download ready-to-use materials to efficiently enhance your outreach and promotions.

Marketing Calendar

Social Media Images

Copy these images and add them to personal posts on any of your social media platforms. Right click. Save image. Promote!

[huge_it_portfolio id="3"]

Email Images

Use these images to spruce up your August eblasts to customers and newsletter subscribers. These could also be added to printed, mailed materials.

[huge_it_portfolio id="4"]

Talking Points + Cheat Sheet

Choose from dozens of themed talking points to copy and use for promoting your products throughout August. You'll also find promotional tips for each week in August, as well as some general tips for all season long.

Download the Veggie Promotions, Talking Points & Marketing Cheat Sheet (.DOC)